Updated Quests: Target: Felstone Field Deadwood of the North The New Frontier The Love Potion A Plague Upon Thee Chasing A-Me 01 Arcane Runes Lost! Chasing A-Me 01 Verifying the Corruption Haze of Evil A Donation of Wool All Along the Watchtowers Set Them Ablaze! The Apes of Un'Goro The Elemental Equation Barov Family Fortune The Strength of Corruption The Wildlife Suffers Too Heroes of Darrowshire A Donation of Wool Villains of Darrowshire Desert Recipe Bashal'Aran The Darkstone Tablet Winterfall Activity Ribbly Screwspigot Felbound Ancients A Lost Master Fruit of the Sea The Blackwood Corrupted Buzzbox 525 The Hunter's Charm Jammal'an the Prophet A Grave Situation Volcanic Activity Cleansed Water Returns to Felwood Meet at the Grave Elven Legends Linken's Sword Dwarven Justice Expedition Salvation Speak to Nafien The Bait for Lar'korwi Alien Ecology Sealed Azure Bag Dousing the Flames of Protection The Sunken Temple Luck Be With You The New Frontier The Scent of Lar'korwi Larion and Muigin Return to Tinkee Return to the Bulwark Return to the Bulwark The So-Called Mark of the Lightbringer Mystery Goo The Everlook Report Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff Toxic Horrors The Perfect Poison Feathermoon Stronghold Marvon's Workshop Wild Guardians The New Frontier Felnok Steelspring Securing the Supply Lines The Twilight Mystery Deadly Desert Venom The Scourge Cauldrons Clear the Way A Plague Upon Thee Are We There, Yeti? Winterfall Runners Target: Writhing Haunt The Eastern Pylon Cloak of the Unseen Path The Restless Souls The Darkmoon Faire Zaeldarr the Outcast Hameya's Plea The Crimson Courier Target: Felstone Field Return to the Bulwark Target: Dalson's Tears The Scourge Cauldrons All Along the Watchtowers Unfinished Business Brumeran of the Chillwind Super Sticky Muigin and Larion Roll the Bones Chasing A-Me 01 The Fare of Lar'korwi Shizzle's Flyer Beware of Pterrordax Strange Sources Threat of the Winterfall The Final Piece High Chief Winterfall The Flesh Does Not Lie Winterfall Ritual Totem They Call Me "The Rooster" A Donation of Silk Cryptstalker Armor Doesn't Make Itself. Updated Items: Stormpike Insignia Rank 3 Stonecutter Claymore Surplus Bastard Sword Grim Reaper Design: Subtle Living Ruby Field Marshal's Chain Breastplate Energized Wristwraps Headhunter's Mitts Shattered Hand Belt Boneshredder Gloves Jagged Axe Legguards of the Vault Cobalt Crusher Nefarious Buckler Warlord's Iron-Helm Double Mail Belt Nobility Torch Shroud of Spiritual Purity Ar'tor's Mainstay Recipe: Greater Fire Protection Potion Formula: Minor Wizard Oil Recipe: Undermine Clam Chowder Raincaller Cap Ceremonial Leather Bracers Hatched Egg Sac Golden Draenite Grim Greaves Rectangular Shield Fairweather's Wristguards Bog Epaulets Holiday Spices Spider Sausage Thunderhawk Saliva Gland Runed Tourmaline New Items: Tempest-Strider Boots Bracers of Eradication Velvet Boots of the Guardian Monster - Work Wrench Warboots of Obliteration